18 May 2018
BOINC workshop
24-27 July 2018

Concentrating on the research enabled by the BOINC platform and its future development roadmap, we bring together an exciting focus event for the whole community. Free registration (register for part or whole of programme)
Day 1: 24 July – Feedback from projects
0900 – 1000 Welcome
0930 – 1000 Climateprediction.net
1000 – 1300 30 minute presentations from other attending projects
1300 – 1400 Lunch
1400 – 1600 30 minute presentations from other attending projects
1600 – end Science United and related BOINC updates
Day 2: 25 July – Technology
0900 – 1300
BOINC update: Technical developments in the past year
BOINC + Docker
BOINC + HTCondor
BOINC: migration to community model
1300 – 1400 Lunch
1400 – 1530
BOINC release process review
Software testing mechanism review
Software update mechanisms discussion/review
1530 – 1800 Group discussion: BOINC needs and priorities (including review of Github issues)
A meeting dinner at Chang Mai Kitchen (Trip advisor restaurant review available here) will take place on the evening of the 25th July at attendees own expense.
Day 3: 26 July – Hackfest
0900 – 1130 Planning and BOF session. Topics to be discussed suggested by attendees with possible topics including the following:
Building BOINC project 101: toolkits and documentation
Building BOINC developer toolkits and documents (automated testing: unit testing etc)
Updating BOINC server: toolkits and documentation
Security certification of BOINC, server and client
1200 – 1800 Hackfest parallel sessions
Day 4: 27 July – Community building event
Bringing the community with free discussion and debate on working together for the betterment of BOINC.
Organised by Professor David Wallom, Marius Millea, David Anderson, Matthew Blumberg and Andy Bowery
For more details see the Event page at https://www.oerc.ox.ac.uk/2018-boinc-workshop
Oxford e-Research Centre, Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, 7 Keble Road, Oxford, OX1 3QG.