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Mr. P Hucker

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Message 69095 - Posted: 3 Jul 2023, 13:45:40 UTC - in response to Message 69094.  
Last modified: 3 Jul 2023, 13:50:17 UTC

Then use it instead of disposing of it.
Something often suggested by those who say nuclear power is the answer to global warming. None of them seem to be able to point to a design that anyone is prepared to build.
It's people making a mountain out of a molehill:

The ocean and plantlife does that for us.
But not as quickly as we are producing it as numerous scientific papers have demonstrated.
If I was a farmer I would welcome faster growing crops. And that's what we'll get. It may not happen instantly, but it will happen. There could be a delay, but the more CO2 we make, the faster things will start growing. Did you know we only have trees because they evolved to deal with a lack of CO2?

Look at it from the other point of view. What if we had a fraction of a % of O2 to breathe, and plants started making O2 polluting factories, we'd love it!

"NASA declares carbon dioxide is GREENING the Earth
In direct contradiction to the scare stories about carbon dioxide being relentlessly pushed by the climate change alarmists, a scientific study published in Nature Climate Change and highlighted by NASA reveals that rising carbon dioxide levels are having a tremendously positive impact on the re-greening of planet Earth over the last three decades, with some regions experiencing over a 50% increase in plant life."
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Profile Dave Jackson
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Message 69098 - Posted: 3 Jul 2023, 15:35:46 UTC

And now I get a moderation notice to tell me the posts of my own I moved have been moved.
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Mr. P Hucker

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Message 69099 - Posted: 3 Jul 2023, 15:41:02 UTC - in response to Message 69098.  
Last modified: 3 Jul 2023, 15:43:59 UTC

And now I get a moderation notice to tell me the posts of my own I moved have been moved.
It's confirmation you did it correctly.

Hey it's a miracle anything works here, I can't have an avatar, my stats only get updated weekly, and the tasks have countless problems.

What really annoys me is my slowest machine is the only one which didn't crash the tasks! Maybe that's the secret, don't hurry the calculations?

I could speed it up with yet another RAM stick, but I'm saving up for an off-grid property. Solar powering 8 computers is going to be interesting.
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Eirik Redd

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Message 69154 - Posted: 7 Jul 2023, 7:20:39 UTC - in response to Message 69098.  

And so it goes. [lit ref non -]
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Mr. P Hucker

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Message 69163 - Posted: 7 Jul 2023, 17:54:33 UTC - in response to Message 69154.  

And so it goes. [lit ref non -]
Cannot parse, please cite language used.
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Jean-David Beyer

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Message 70975 - Posted: 12 Jun 2024, 20:50:58 UTC - in response to Message 70973.  
Last modified: 12 Jun 2024, 21:15:45 UTC

I just got this one on my Linux machine; it just started running.

Task 22442028
Name 	oifs_43r3_bl_a042_2016092300_20_1018_12288473_0

top - 17:12:58 up 7 days,  5:41,  2 users,  load average: 14.04, 14.31, 14.60
Tasks: 481 total,  15 running, 466 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu(s):  0.5 us,  0.7 sy, 87.0 ni, 11.5 id,  0.0 wa,  0.2 hi,  0.0 si,  0.0 st
MiB Mem : 128086.0 total,    882.6 free,  11226.4 used, 115977.0 buff/cache
MiB Swap:  15992.0 total,  15977.5 free,     14.5 used. 114323.1 avail Mem 

    PID    PPID USER      PR  NI S    RES  %MEM  %CPU  P     TIME+ COMMAND                                                                   
1390319 1390315 boinc     39  19 R   4.8g   3.9  99.2  8   9:45.80 /var/lib/boinc/slots/6/oifs_43r3_model.exe  

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Message 71040 - Posted: 25 Jun 2024, 9:39:06 UTC - in response to Message 71039.  

Time to buy a lottery ticket :-)
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Richard Haselgrove

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Message 71043 - Posted: 25 Jun 2024, 10:20:50 UTC - in response to Message 71041.  

When your PC reboots faster than your router.

And when everything depends on the router (DHCP, VOIP landline, even the central heating controls)
And the telco firmly states that only their own routers are guaranteed to handle all of the above...

It's a bad single point of failure.
ID: 71043 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
Jean-David Beyer

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Message 71044 - Posted: 25 Jun 2024, 13:07:31 UTC - in response to Message 71043.  

And when everything depends on the router (DHCP, VOIP landline, even the central heating controls)
And the telco firmly states that only their own routers are guaranteed to handle all of the above...

It's a bad single point of failure.

My IP connection is Verizon's FiOS fiber optic. It has an interface on the side of my house that converts from fiber to CAT 5 (?) copper that goes to my router. It gets its power from a small UPS.

My router is a big box right next to my main (Linux) computer. It, too, is plugged into a moderately large UPS that mainly runs my main computer. It will run 10 to 12 minutes during a power loss.

However I have a backup generator outside my house that uses natural gas as a fuel. If the power company does not do its duty, my backup generator will come on and deliver power within 10 to 12 seconds as long as the gas company, whose lines are buried in the ground, does its duty.

My pipsqueak computer is running Windows 11 and is plugged into a smaller UPS that says it can power the computer for a little over an hour. So the main annoyance is the occasional reboot when Windows decides to reboot during its updates that won't wait. And nothing can protect against the faults of Microsoft.
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Message 71050 - Posted: 26 Jun 2024, 12:58:25 UTC - in response to Message 71027.  

Some tasks were sent out as batch 995. This was a mistake. The correct batch is 1019. If you have a task from 995 it can be aborted. Don't waste time running it as the results are not needed. It's an previously run batch.

Dang it, I saw this post but didn't think to check my machine until today, several days later. All five new tasks that I caught are 995. All the others are already distributed so I guess I'll have to wait for the next batch.
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Helmer Bryd

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Message 71053 - Posted: 29 Jun 2024, 11:15:59 UTC

Just got a resent task from batch 1006 eas25 win-8.29
It is from February, still useful to run?
(was thinking of shutting the box down...)
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Helmer Bryd

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Message 71056 - Posted: 29 Jun 2024, 15:13:57 UTC
Last modified: 29 Jun 2024, 15:19:02 UTC

Ok sorry, will turn off the undervolting and see how fast it can run, heh heh :-)
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Profile Dave Jackson
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Message 71057 - Posted: 29 Jun 2024, 16:10:23 UTC

If the batch was of no use, the resends would have been turned off. But it's your machine and if you want it off, feel free to Abort.
Good t know that is the case now. Not at all sure it was in the days of 1 year deadlines.
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Message 71059 - Posted: 8 Jul 2024, 8:21:14 UTC - in response to Message 71058.  

cancelling in-progress tasks often angers crunchers it seems
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Profile Dave Jackson
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Message 71060 - Posted: 8 Jul 2024, 11:56:38 UTC - in response to Message 71059.  

cancelling in-progress tasks often angers crunchers it seems
True, though that would be my preferred way of doing it. The other alternative is a push notice to the BOINC Manager notices tab.
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Jean-David Beyer

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Message 71061 - Posted: 8 Jul 2024, 13:32:51 UTC - in response to Message 71060.  

True, though that would be my preferred way of doing it. The other alternative is a push notice to the BOINC Manager notices tab.

On my main (Linux) machine, I cannot look at the notices tab. If I select it, the boinc manager crashes. (The boinc client does not crash when this happens). My client is 7.20.2 which is the most recent one for my Linux distribution. This used to work but has started to fail recently. I forget just when.

I am not expecting a solution for this problem here; asking for a solution here is way off topic. But for me, any reliance on Notices is futile.
ID: 71061 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote

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Message 71062 - Posted: 8 Jul 2024, 13:45:40 UTC - in response to Message 71061.  

My client is 7.20.2 which is the most recent one for my Linux distribution.

Check this link:
Supporting BOINC, a great concept !
ID: 71062 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
Profile Dave Jackson
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Message 71063 - Posted: 8 Jul 2024, 14:42:56 UTC

But for me, any reliance on Notices is futile.

Check this link:

Might well be worth trying. I am guessing the Fedora instructions would work.
ID: 71063 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
Jean-David Beyer

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Message 71064 - Posted: 8 Jul 2024, 14:59:00 UTC - in response to Message 71062.  

My client is 7.20.2 which is the most recent one for my Linux distribution.

Check this link:

Trouble is, that is for some version of Ubuntu whereas I am running

Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.10 (Ootpa)

And for that I must go to The Boinc stuff is under /b

 boinc-client-7.20.2-1.el8.x86_64.rpm                        2022-07-29 13:53  641K  
 boinc-client-devel-7.20.2-1.el8.x86_64.rpm                  2022-07-29 13:53   86K  
 boinc-client-doc-7.20.2-1.el8.noarch.rpm                    2022-07-29 13:53  789K  
 boinc-client-static-7.20.2-1.el8.x86_64.rpm                 2022-07-29 13:53  267K  
 boinc-manager-7.20.2-1.el8.x86_64.rpm                       2022-07-29 13:53  2.5M 

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