Green Seniors


Team info
Description Green Seniors have always existed. They are the people who, regardless of age, fight for what they believe. They are the people who see the way that our natural environment is changing for the worse and want to do something about it. They are the people who are a pain in the neck of authority, in fact of anyone and anything that operates in a way that degrades the environment for no good reason.

We are entering a new age of global environmental awareness, and this is affecting all of us, not just in what we see and read in the media, but also directly in the form of extreme weather, changes in animal populations, changes in crop patterns. Our lives are changing due to the inaction of the generations that came before us, and the malicious activities of those people in power whose interests meant that people were not told the true scale of the damage that was happening to our world.

There are 36 million people aged over 65 in the USA; in the United Kingdom there are 9 million; in Germany, 16 million; in Canada, 4 million; in France, 10 million. National elections have swung on a just a few hundred votes.

We at believe that all that time and energy can make an impact where it is most needed whether that be as an individual writing letters and informing friends; people acting together in a small community group to raise awareness of environmental issues, changing the behavior of a town’s citizens or businesses; networks of people and groups spread across a large area, working together to ensure that state and national governments or multinationals listen to the concerns of ordinary people. In fact there is no limit to the number of ways that people can work together or alone – if the message is clear enough then things will change through your actions.
Created 5 Sep 2008
Web site
Total credit 191,209
Recent average credit 0
Cross-project stats SETIBZH
Country International
Type Social/political/religious
Founder old_user535220
New members in last day 0
Total members 5 (view)
Active members 0 (view)
Members with credit 5 (view)


Generated 26 Jun 2024, 5:47:02 UTC